

Adah is a futurist, consultant, public speaker and coach with over 20 years experience in creating transformational change and people-centred immersive ecosystems. Adah believes that innovation should be systemic across a business and in order to create an ethical culture of innovation, you first need to turn those ‘doing’ the innovating into philosophers of life, society and humanity. Adah helps clients to recognise and harness the value of their brand equity which ultimately will have a positive bearing on their identities, relationships, business operations, revenue streams and wider society. Other outstanding achievements throughout her career include consulting as Technology Futurist for the Friday Club London, a non-profit events company that brings together technology startups with marketing and communications people to truly understand innovation. Building the original accelerator program and mentor network for Wayra UK, and helping to launch and run the School of Communication Arts 2.0, an Advertising and Entrepreneurship school in Brixton which was launched to widen the diversity of the UK advertising industry. Adah also ran the Ethnic Diversity Committee for the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, the UK’s advertising industry membership organisation.


Scilla Elworthy


Karen Lee Downes